Friday, June 20, 2014

Post 1: The Basic Idea

   Since the Bridgman Packer Workshop, and especially following our  limited "experimental" interactive "Double Take" production for the 2014 Light Dreams at Alys Stevens in May, Mary and I have been dreaming of bigger more elaborate shows. I have been working primarily on the idea of something based on Frida Kahlo, with the plan of possibly doing a short "avant premiere" for Day of the Dead to test the waters, and doing a full show later in the fall at Children Dance Foundation.

    I have of course seen the movie Frida several times. I bought a number of books about Frida to take to France with us, first of course the basic biography by Hayden Herrera, but also more subjective ones like "The Brush of Anguish" by Marta Zamora, "Frida's Bed" by Slavenka Drakulic, and "The Secret Book of Frida Kahlo" by J.G.Hahhenbeck. I also found in France the translation of a wonderful Italian Play/ One Woman Show called "Viva la Vida!", which I would love to produce some day in an English translation, with the right actress for this very intense monologue. I also just brought back from France "Confidences" by Salomon Grimberg based on conversations of Frida with her psychologist friend Olga Ccompos.
   I have been reading, highlighting and taking numerous notes, jotting down staging and production ideas, technical design ideas for the set, etc…
  I have yet to read some of the material, but Day of the Dead is only four months away, and I feel Time has now come to start sorting things out and getting our people together to brainstorm. I know who I would want for Frida's part, but have not asked yet. 

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