Friday, July 11, 2014

Post 10: Building a Tabletop Test Stage

     I want to build a tabletop Test stage in the studio to play with projected images and staging ideas. My work table is 48" deep, and the actual stage is 12 ft deep, so the 1/4 scale will be perfect.
    I will use 3/4"" conduit for the four vertical posts, the back ones being 36" tall and the front ones 60". The front ones will be bolted to the front of the table for stability, and have pulleys on top to lift the front set, which will be cut out of 1/2" plywood :

     The back set will be also cut out of 1/2' plywood:

    Rectangular tubing will tie the posts, and a beam will hold the lights. The side walls can be cut out of white cardboard. All the doors and shutters are hinged, front and back set.
   After testing counterweights, I switched instead to a crank wench and sisal rope; I like the idea of doing set changes in front of the public, and having one of the actors crank the front set up from the side. But I will need to find a larger wench.

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